UGFM Receives Grant for The Jam Sessions

Wednesday 25 January 2012


 Upper Goulburn youth get chance to Be Heard!


Member for Benalla Bill Sykes and Member for Seymour Cindy McLeish today congratulated UGFM – Radio Murrindindi on receiving a $5,000 grant as part of the Victorian Coalition Government’s Be Heard! program.


Be Heard! aims to increase volunteering opportunities for young people whilst providing them with increased skills and career pathways in radio.


Dr Sykes said, “I congratulate UGFM on their commitment to encouraging increased youth participation in community radio by applying for this grant.”


Cindy McLeish said, “The grant will benefit young people throughout this region including Yea, Flowerdale, Alexandra and Eildon.” 


UGFM President & Station Manager, Peter Weeks said the grant will enable the station to involve students from YeaHigh School and AlexandraSecondaryCollege to broadcast their music live on the radio.


The station will broadcast regular jam sessions by students from both schools.


Peter Weeks said, “The grant will help to improve students’ music and broadcast skills, encourages them to do better because they are being heard on the radio and to get involved in community radio.”


Minister for Youth Affairs Ryan Smith said the 10 successful community radio stations across Victoria will receive grants to provide training and mentoring for young people to produce live-to-air shows.


“These radio stations have demonstrated a strong commitment to providing training and mentoring opportunities for young people to produce radio programs, as well as improving young people’s skills and career pathways in radio broadcasting.


“Young people who are interested in careers in the media can use these types of pathway opportunities to build their skills and networks with journalists, editors, producers and station managers.


“The Victorian Coalition Government is committed to providing young Victorians with the chance to Be Heard! on community radio, volunteer and have a positive impact in their community,” Mr Smith said.





The Jam Sessions at the Alex Secondary College live on UGFM in 2011