Bruce & Alison Stewart – Upper Goulburn Freightlines receiving their certificate of appreciation.
In January this year many of our broadcasters got together at the Alexandra Bowling Club for one of our annual social nights where we play Lawn Bowls and later Musical Trivial Pursuit and present awards to supporters and recognise our new presenters as broadcasters.

Micheal Mawson again excelled himself as the Music Trivial Pursuit host with five teams competing and everyone using as much combined grey matter available to try and win on the night. Our junior presenters did very well with the contest being very tight, we had lots of fun and look forward to our next get together.
Bruce and Alison Stewart from Upper Goulburn Freightlines who are always willing to support the station were recognised on the night with a certificate of appreciation for their help with the installation of the backup mains power generator for our Kinglake Ranges transmitter.

New presenters Ron Sinclair, Jelena Miladinovic, Will Nash and Zac Horton received their name tags as qualified broadcasters on the night from Sarah Southam the station trainer.