Become a UGFM Sponsor
Local radio enables you to promote your services or products direct to a local buying community. Under the Broadcasting Services Act , 1992, community radio stations are permitted to use sponsorship announcements to promote local businesses in return for payment. According to a McNair Research survey conducted recently, 48 per cent of regional Victorians are listening to community radio every month. Local radio is an extremely accessible and economical medium to promote your business.
Our dedicated listeners associate you as being part of their own radio station, and you see the results. UGFM transmits across the Murrindindi Shire on four frequencies and also relays many programs across the Mansfield Shire through sister station, MCR-FM in Mansfield. That’s a broadcast radius approaching 80 kilometres.
All of our sponsorship announcements are professionally produced 20 or 30 second messages by our equally professional production team and there are a number of options to choose from. You can use one of our Run of Station (ROS) packages that can guarantee a maximum exposure of between two and six messages each day.
Or choose a saturation program. These are based on News, Weather or Program sponsorship tags of 15 second duration played on the hour between 7.00am and 10.00pm each weekday and 7.00am to 12 midday on weekends. They can potentially enable you to promote your services or products over 80 times each week.
Julee and Kim are our experienced sponsorship sales team and can discuss all aspects of our program, including rates, to tailor a package to suit your needs. Click here to email our sponsorship consultants, or call the Sponsorship line on 5772-2722.
1. Minimum ROS package booking is 4 weeks.
2. A Production fee applies for all new sponsor announcements, including changes
3. External Production house facilities are also available.