Sponsor List
UGFM – Station Sponsors Contact List
Please support these local businesses and organizations as they support us, your local community radio station
UGFM Station Sponsor Location/Service Area Contact
Alexandra Stainless 36 Lamont Street, Alexandra 0402 257 934
Alexandra Community Pharmacy 101 Grant Street, Alexandra 5772 2153
Alexandra Crane & Bobcat Hire Murrindindi Shire wide 5772 1071
Alexandra Photolab 101 Grant Street, Alexandra 5772 2830
Alexandra Premix Concrete Peterkin Place, Alexandra 5772 1815
Alexandra Newspapers Grant St, Alexandra 5772 1002
Alexandra Race Club 1 Gordon Street, Alexandra 5773 4304
Alexandra Sandblasting 10 Peterkin Place, Alexandra 0428 255 424
Ann Friedel Publishing publishing@friedel.net.au 5772 1026
Bedrock Garden Supplies Downey Street, Alexandra 5772 1911
Bendigo Bank 66 High Street, Yea 5797 2188
Blush Hair Bakers Lane, Alexandra 0408 721 951
Buxton Excavations & Gravel Supplies Maroondah Hwy, Buxton 5774 7421
Chookies Furniture 1 Hall Street, Alexandra 5772 2152
Chris’s TV Murrindindi Shire wide 0405 554 915
Custom Canvas Downey Street, Alexandra 5772 2760
Darlingford Nursing Home 5 High Street, Eildon 5774 2711
Darlingford Waters Boat Club Jerusalem Ck, LakeEildon 5774 2414
DA Robinson Real Estate 84 High Street, Yea 5797 2500
Eildon Auto Spares 7 Main St, Eildon Shopping Village 5774 2712
Eildon Bait & Tackle Shop 8, Eildon Shopping Village 5774 2348
Eildon Boat Club Anderson Harbour, Lake Eildon 5774 2040
Eildon Hardware Main St, Eildon Shopping Village 5774 2081
Eildon Outboard Service 20 Sugarloaf Rd Eildon 5774 2107
Eildon Real Estate Eildon Shopping Village 5774 2771
Eildon Service Station 2 Center Ave, Eildon 5774 2220
Eildon Trout Farm 460 Back Eildon Rd, Thornton 5773 2377
ES Hadfield Farm Contracting Service Murrindindi Shire wide 0429 931 127
Fitness Equipment Rental & Sales Alexandra & Eildon District 5772 2861 / 0407 231 377
Grant Street Grocer Grant St, Alexandra 5772 1526
GMCU Seymour 72 Station St, Seymour gmcu.com.au 5792 1075
High Country Cranes Murrindindi & Mansfield Shires 5779 1979
Hooker LJ Real Estate Alexandra, Marysville & Yea 5772 1774 / 5963 3550
Houseboat Factory Factory 1, 11 Eildon Rd, Eildon 5774 2959
Kinglake Pub 28 Whittlesea – Kinglake Rd, Kinglake 5786 1230
lakeeildon.com Worldwide on the web www.lakeeidon.com
Embling Rural 54 Grant St, Alexandra 5772 3110
Little River Wines 20 Sharrock Court, Taggerty 5774 7644
Lopez Electrical Murrindindi Shire wide 5772 2978
McCormack Funerals Murrindindi & Mansfield Shires 1800 080 909
Molesworth Food & Wine Co 4364 GV Highway, Molesworth 0408 695 240
Murrindindi Computers Bakers Lane Alexandra / Shire wide 5772 1403
Murrindindi Guide Shire wide publishing@friedel.net.au 5772 1026
Murrindindi Shire Council Perkins St, Alexandra 5772 0333
Neil Beer Mitsubishi, Nissan, Subaru & Holden 49 -51 Emily St, Seymour 5792 2777
Reddrop Foodworks Alexandra, Eildon, Mt Buller, Yea 5772 1615 / 5797 2611
Riverflat Petwalk Alexandra District 0408 578 676
Royal Mail Hotel 88 High Street, Yea 5797 2515
Rubicon Valley Horseriding 90 Rubicon Rd, Rubicon 5773 2292
Rural Co Property Alexandra, Seymour & Yea 5772 1110 / 5797 2086
Rustic Simplicity 72 Grant Street, Alexandra 0419 517 045
Taggerty Store 26 Taggerty – Thornton Rd, Taggerty 5774 7201
The Tile People 68 Cavehill Rd, Lilydale / Murrindindi Shire 9739 5228
Turbo Productions Australia & Worldwide www.turboproductions.com.au
UGFM Sales (Sponsorship) Murrindindi Shire wide & Surrounds 5772 2722 sales@ugfm.org
Weeks Radio (Communications) Murrindindi & Mansfield Shires 5772 1292 sales@weeksradio.com
Yea Motel 8 Miller Street, Yea www.yeamotel.com 5797 2660
Yea Racing Club 121 Racecourse Rd, Yea 5797 2955
Yenkens Hardware Alexandra, Mansfield & Yea 5772 2188 / 5797 2290