New Emergency Generators Mt Eildon and Kinglake Ranges Transmitters

The new UGFM 106.9 Transmitter backup generator installed on-site 

A new 10kVA diesel generator was recently commissioned at UGFM’s main transmission site. $20,000 of funding from the Marysville and Triangle Community Foundation has enabled UGFM – Radio Murrindindi to replace the old 3.6kVA petrol generator with a new far more reliable unit.

Unloading the new generator at Mt Eildon

Volunteers from the station removed the old generator and poured the concrete slab in readiness for the new generator that was transported to the site with the help of the Murrindindi Shire council as part of the Shire’s commitment to emergency management.

The generator ensures that the transmission site stays ‘on-air’ during power failures, with the generator automatically coming on line if and when the mains power fails.

There were times when the petrol generator didn’t start correctly and shut down following a mains power failure, this meant a hurried 13km trip to start the generator and get back on-air, as the other 4 translators located at Yea, Flowerdale, Kinglake and Marysville all depend on the primary transmitter.

UGFM has also installed an emergency standby transmitter on FM 106.9 at the Alexandra Studios that feeds the translators should a major failure occur at the primary FM 106.9 transmitter. The Alexandra studios also have a 13kVA generator that operates during mains power failures ensuring local programs can continue to be broadcast especially during broadcasts.

Thank you so much to the Marysville & Triangle Community Foundation for your support, this project was vital to ensure UGFM stays on-air 24 hours each and every day, the community relies it!

FRRR funds $18,000 Generator for Kinglake Ranges FM 94.5 Transmitter

The Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR) has funded a similar project for a 10kVA generator to power UGFM’s Kinglake Ranges transmitter on FM 94.5 during mains power failure, it will also provide lighting for the Recreation Reserve in an emergency as the building is a relief centre. Kinglake was hit hard during the 2009 Victorian Bushfires with limited warnings prior to the fires approach. UGFM along with the FM 94.5 transmitter will now be able to stay on-air if the power fails now that the generator has been commissioned.

The new generator mounted and installed on-site ready for wiring 

Lots of additional volunteer work went into installing the generator to also enable remote monitoring from the Alexandra base for UGFM, plus additional bollards were needed to be installed to protect the generator along with interfacing the backup power for the Recreational Reserve emergency lighting circuits.

The FRRR has been very supportive of UGFM and the valuable work we do, much of which would not happen with out it, thank you FRRR on behalf of the community at large. Also a big thank you to Bruce Stewart from Upper Goulburn Freightlines for donating his time and transporting the new generator from Alexandra.