Bo Jenkins speaking live on UGFM
Again in the lead up to the second Marysville Jazz and Blues weekend this year held from 14th – 16th October UGFM – Radio Murrindindi helped to promote the community event that was the brianchild of UGFM presenter and broadcaster Peter Guest. The weekend was again a great success and with artists performing all around Marysville along with workshops as well.
On Saturday 15th UGFM broadcast live from out on the front deck of the Visitor information Center where UGFM also has its base for the Marysville studio, established as part of the building following the 2009 Victorian Bushfires. The Marysville studio was the first of 3 additional studios to be located around the UGFM listening area outside of the Alexandra studios. Peter Guest who presents ‘All That Jazz and Blues’ on UGFM Sunday nights spoke with many of the artists that were performing over the weekend. Brian Sillett also assisted in the broadcast from the Marysville studio.
The Marysville Jazz & Blues Weekend is a contemporary and traditional jazz and blues festival set in the idyllic and picturesque township of Marysville and surrounds. This regionally significant event has acquired a strong following with attendance reaching over 1200 in this year

. The Festival prides itself on presenting some of the best Australian touring acts and international acclaimed artists as well as local musicians and performers.

The event has been the recipient of the Murrindindi Shire Community Event of the Year Award for the past two years.
The Festival prides itself on presenting some of the best Australian touring acts and international acclaimed artists as well as local musicians and performers.