Author Archives: Peter Weeks

ACMA Includes Kinglake Ranges and Flowerdale into UGFM’s licensed Broadcast area

The ACMA has formally included the Temporary Community Broadcast Licence for the KInglake Ranges license area and the Out of Area Re-transmission Licence for the Flowerdale/Hazeldene area into the one licensed broadcast area for Upper Goulburn Community Radio Inc. (UGFM – Radio Murrindindi). UGFM has held the TCBL for the Kinglake Ranges for the past […]

UGFM Broadcaster Social Night

Bruce & Alison Stewart – Upper Goulburn Freightlines receiving their certificate of appreciation. In January this year many of our broadcasters got together at the Alexandra Bowling Club for one of our annual social nights where we play Lawn Bowls and later Musical Trivial Pursuit and present awards to supporters and recognise our new presenters […]