Zac, Will and Mia with Karin Page in Studio 2 at Alexandra
Again this year the Taste of Tamworth brought four great acts to town in a show that you would normally have to travel a long distance just to see and hear one of the artists perform, the audience enjoyed all four at a fraction of the cost. This was our 5th year for the Taste of Tamworth Tour to come to town and each year David and Merilyn Carter who are Carter and Carter bring three other great artists to the Alexandra Town Hall.
The night was a big success with a full house, we received great reports and feedback from everyone that attended. The enthusiastic audience came along to experience Carter and Carter, Karin Page, Luke O’Shea and Anthony Taylor perform at their best.

Luke O’Shea
As a community radio broadcaster the show is a great way for UGFM to support Australian Artists and their music and raise some funds to keep the station operational through the support from our listeners and friends that had a great night from all the reports we have heard.
Since our first Taste of Tamworth artists like Roo Arcus, Paul Costa, Jayne Denham, Luke Austin, Travis Sinclair, Bob Corbet and Jetty Road have also performed in Alexandra as part of the tour with Carter and Carter.
Zac, Will and Mia with Luke O’Shea on the Mix Tape Radio Show
Will, Zac and Mia enjoyed interviewing Karin and Luke live in the Alexandra Studios during their Mix Tape Radio show. Thanks to everyone that helped make the night a great success including supporters and sponsors that donated to the raffle. The scones jam & cream were delicious too!
Also, thank you to everyone that supported UGFM and the Taste of Tamworth again this year, especially David and Merilyn Carter.
Stay tuned we’ll be back again next year in August 2018 with another Taste of Tamworth!